Sorry, the operation could not be performed since the key field and the name field may not contain more than 255 characters. Sorry, the operation could not be performed since OrgaNicer entries are limited to 32 K. Please split the entry into two or more separate entries. The design changes could not be saved. Make sure your copy of OrgaNicer is not located on read-only media. Color Size Font Style Element Please select a color. Sorry, the file #0 could not be opened, since it was created by a later version of OrgaNicer. Exported - OrgaNicer Temp n/a this year Merged - Converted - Sorry, a document cannot contain more than 32000 entries. The document is too large to be completely printed. You may still print the beginning of the document. Print Preview Sorry! Due to limitations in the MacOS you can only edit years between 1904 and 2039. Other… Every closing Sorry! You're running a system earlier than 7.0. OrgaNicer requires at least system 7.0 to run. ••• New Item ••• saving opening saved opened Sorry, the file "^1" could not be ^2, because ^3. Untitled Warning! Memory is low. Save your work as soon as possible, then quit and increase the application's memory size. WARNING! Memory is critcically low. You should save your work immediately. Then quit and increase the application's memory size. You are running a system earlier than 7.0 which means several features will be disabled. To take full advantage of the application's capabilities you need system 7.0.